Corneto ice cream in this satnite

Happy satnite, nite..

Almost  1 month, I’ve never posted anything in this blog account. I feel there is no leisure to write, I don’t know what topic that I will write here. 

There is no muse to continue my story albinism the white rainbow, I failed to find the one of a thousand albinos around me, sometimes I only see them and I don’t have an enough brave to ask and approach them.  I’m going suck. Probably, it’s not called a failure, but I haven’t found yet. There is no inspiration to write at all. Even I never see a beautiful rainbow again. I just see the crescent moon alone. 

Alright, stop it. Forget it. Should I tell you about my ice cream which I ate today? I ate corneto in a department store, yeah. You’re right, alone. I used to go somewhere alone and nowadays I’m still going somewhere alone. Somewhere only my self know, pitty, poor me. Haha

It’s been a long time without you my ICE CREAM *notsinging*, finally I see you again my corneto royal double choc*** aishh I forget the taste, you’re certainly familiar with taylor swift song red or shake it off on one of commerialization of publications., yap this I ate. The chocolate one with chocolate granules that delicious and when you bite one of side, your teeth will feel cold sweet pleasure like find the wellsprings in the dry wasteland. How such a beautiful world heaven. Haha I’ve called it my Ootd or outfit of the day *whatthehell. Therefore, to be the uptodate one.

How the jobless I am! Yeah I’m single cause I’m not sold out, what?  I’m not for sale!! Crazy! I’m only wait for love. Yeah love, the time will answer my thousand of questions *theangleemoticon*

Not too long, it’s enough. I will go for some work on my satnite yeah my shitnite. 

Bye haha


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